“Jehu”= means: “Yahweh is he.” His task was to destroy the House of Ahab and the worship of Baal in Israel. He was a reformer, used by God to fix everything Ahab did. God told Elijah to anoint him king (over Israel)

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https://buy.stripe.com/7sIdSP9Bl1gqcjm5kkBirth of a Church

JEHU (Jehovah is he) Spirit of Truth Church was born out of a prayer group that met over the telephone daily between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The faithful participants were of every age, gender, culture, nationality, and denomination. God’s name for the prayer group is “Friends of Christ.”
The word about the “Friends of Christ” spread quickly, and we soon began praying for God’s people in Elko, Ft. Valley, Gray, Marshallville, Macon, Warner Robins, and other surrounding cities in Middle Georgia.
Once a year in August on the third Saturday, the participants would meet in a different home so that we could attach a face to the name of the persons that we had prayed with. After meeting faithfully for four years the JEHU (1 Kings 9 and 10) Spirit of Truth Church was birthed.
Commissioned by God
We are now a Five-Fold Ministry operating with the Holy Ghost’s Spirit, Power, and Fire. We recognize that the Lord is our strength and our joy is in him. We acknowledge God in all our ways, and God directs the path of this ministry. This is a Healing and Deliverance Ministry that ministers to wounded souls regardless of age, denomination, gender, or nationality. Our church family ministers to the emotional, financial, motivational, physical, and spiritual man!
JEHU Spirit of Truth Church, Inc. is an approved, appointed, anointed, prophetic, and practical ministry of God. Jehovah commissioned us as deliverance, healing, church and outreach ministries. Our outreach ministries are putting the financial support from members and the community back to work in the communities. By the favor, grace, and mercy of God, we broadcast to over 115 countries plus another 50,000,000,000 listeners on other platforms. Because we serve a faithful God, we have growth potential. You can become a part of these living, prophetic, and thriving ministries also by the many different platforms. JEHU Spirit of Truth Church, Inc. is waiting for you to find the Messengers of Christ Radio Network (our internet radio). Our YouTube channel is The Best That God Has Given Me. Or our Double Dose Podcasts. Do not forget about JEHU Kingdom Builders Cable Television is your new home.
JEHU Spirit of Truth Church Radio Ministry

Fruitfulness for the Love of God
Fruitfulness for the Love of God Radio Ministry is an approved, appointed, anointed, and practical ministry of God. We have been commissioned by God as a deliverance and healing ministry that disciples every wounded soul regardless of age, denomination, gender, or nationality. We minister to the emotional, financial, physical, and spiritual man through Internet radio. We acknowledge God in all our ways, and God directs the path of this ministry. The Lord is our strength, and our joy is in him—ministering times Tue., Thurs., and Sat. at 7:00 pm.
Vision and Mission

JEHU Spirit of Truth Church “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you and will even be in you! – John 14:15-17 (TMG).
JEHU (Jehovah is he) Spirit of Truth Church has been commissioned by God to establish a city based on biblical truths. The ministry and outreach ministry has a covenant with our Lord and Savior.
JEHU Spirit of Truth Church disciples all ages, gender, cultures, nations and bring them into the truth of the Lord, our savior, Jesus Christ. We clothe those who need to be clothed, feed those who need to be fed, shelter those who need to be sheltered, and teach those that need to be taught. All for the Glory of God.